Friday 19 December 2014

Frust with life

Sometimes the one mattered to you, they just dont really care.
Sometimes some people are just disrespectful asshole.
When you're an adult, you even lose the right to cry...

Missed home..

Sunday 4 May 2014

Aigoo, STRESS~~~ 2

Starting a Monday bad is just equal to starting a whole week bad. :(

Early in the morning already getting complaints, it seems that even it is not my fault i need to apologize again & again & again...

Trying hard in life its not even closed to enough. It only show that the more you do the more trouble & problem will be getting in. Very tired of all these already.. Even in relationship it is the same. You pour in 100% & your partner did not even respect you & the relationship. You trying to keep in touch with friends but they're thinking you're troublesome to date with the schedule & distance & things. Go back home & there is this drama between parents & siblings attitude problem.

Trying to change & adapt, it's not even close to enough. Just making me more tired, with the effort & even the thinking & planning & seeking advise of what to do, what I can do so that I can improve myself.

I always believed there was a saying that the problem is not a problem, its the attitude you're handling it is the problem. Or the other saying that you must never give up & kept trying.

But it's seriously too tiring. Life, is tiring. I'm tired of people. Tired of this life.